Thursday, November 11, 2010


Diz my1st entry 4 diz month about sumone i realy hate
4 along time i go damn datz girl
so annoying make me like wanna kill her
what da hell she thinking !!!! i cant blieve untill now got sumone like her!!
so fucking dammnn...ur thinking i stalker ur life go 2 hell
bitch who r u 2 make me stalker u?u think ur are hot OMG!
u juz in dreaming wake up b4 i smash ur face.. think b4 u spoke
and look at urself at the mirror 1st who r u 2 say like datz 2 me
dont juz spoke from ur stink mouth use ur brain bitch!!!
or ur be suffer coz ur so stupidly talking bout me in front of all ur friend
make them symphaty 2 u. u think i didt know??
u tell everyone and make them trust u,ur juz desprate bitch i nver met
i realy disgustink 2 u..u make me realy hate u morethan b4..
r u think im afraid of u OMG!who r u 2 make me afraid haaaa?
i dare u bitch...!u juz waste my time go 2 hell b4 i sent u..
and 1 more thing if u think im stalker u in MS yes iam coz u the 1 who always stalker my page 1st.
so plz go away from my life...i dont interest 2 fighting sumone like u
its datz clear??...or no
mad Pictures, Images and Photos

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